Hi folks!
Welcome to a new entry of this learning journal. Did you know that last month the 17th of March was Saint Patrick's Day? Let me tell you a bit more about this festivity.
Saint Patrick's Day is a really big party for everything to do with the country, Ireland. Its people, art, religion and all the things Irish people like to do. This special day happens every year on March, 17, which marks the date when Saint Patrick, a catholic priest in charged of spreading the Christian word.
You might be wondering why I am telling you all these things. Well, in my school in Mars we are immersed on a radio- project related to Irish Poems. We have created a podcast in which students participate actively introducing themselves for a later on activity to podcast recitals of Irish poems.
What it is very important is the use of ICTs in these kind of activities. Through the tool Soundcloud, we engage students to upload their own recordings in order to make a collection of Irish poems. Soundcloud is a digital tool that has been created to collect music or records in a meaningful and organised way. Moreover, you can connect and save some interesting music.
For both teachers and students is a great tool that catches students' attention. They get engaged on creating new records for later uploading. As a teacher, this tool is very interesting, that helps us to work on different contents in a fun and technological way fulfilling the curriculum demands. Moreover, I have been learning a lot about this tool that I did not know before. It's very useful and, the most important thing for early learners, is that you have access to brief videos and explanations of the different features of this app.
On the following lines, you can find a draft of the Irish recital Project and some examples of the project. I really hope you enjoy it and share my experience with others.
See you!
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