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Flipped classroom


Hi folks!

Welcome to a new entry of the blog. Today we are going to talk about our project Micromachism. Do you remember it? Well, for those who don't remember it, I will refresh your mind. 

The 23rd May it is celebrated the International Day of the Book. It was a special day here in our Marsh school. There was a question aroused about the restricted access women had to books in the past. So we decided to create a project and work on micromachism. The idea was to record a video with teachers as actors and actresses and the students have to complete some tasks at home, as a flipped classroom activity. Here is the link in which I explain in detail the project and the storyboard of the video. 

The first part of our project was to create a storyboard. We used google drive to make the draft. Once we had the storyboard, we started to prepare the recording. Before recording, we set the materials needed and the customs to disguise for the roles. 

And now? Let's start having fun! The next part of the project as I mentioned before was to record ourselves. To make the project more interesting we needed a chroma. You may think, and what is a chroma? It is a green board generally used in films so as to apply your own background of each scene. Since we had no access to a chroma, our principal, Mª Jesús invited us to record the scenes in her workplace, INTEF. Thanks to her, we could carry out the recording part of the project. Although we were many groups, we could carry out the recording step all of us. It is very important to organise a group when dealing with team work. 

As you can see in our storyboard, we give out different roles so as to organise and maximise the time. My group consists of 4 teachers: Clara, Carol, Julia and me. Clara was drafted, Carol was the recorder, Julia the editor and me the community manager. We had lot of fun recording the video. 

We used an app called Movavi, is a tool that you can download free and easy to use. Its main function is editing videos and customising your own videos. We used this specific app to put the background we wanted on the chroma. The pictures you can see as backgrounds are taken from Pixabay

In Movavi you are given some instructions and tips to use the app. This was our case, we had never worked with this app previously and the experience was excellent. Although we spent some time at the beginning of the edition, then it was easier to use. I really recommend you using this app. The experience was really rewarding. 

Here, The Cifu Team presents its video about Micromachism.

This video is aimed at 6th graders. As the question about women and books was aroused in this course. Moreover we consider the topic of micromachism a little abstract for younger students. 

We were targeting as a main objective to make students reflect on the past situation about women and how easily we can find these situations currently. Through this flipped activity, we want our students make aware of the dangers society offers in a daily life situation. And make them think how to deal with it. On the video, we let them watch different situations and we ask certain questions for later reflection. We are using this video in Literacy, since the beginning of the project started the 23rd April, International Day of the Book. 

This video is going to be at the same time motivating and engaging since they can see the teachers act on the film. Besides, the questions will catch students' attention to keep watching it. 

The main objectives we are targeting with this flipped class activity are:

  • To make students aware of the dangers society still brings to us
  • To let students reflect on daily life situations that create inequality between men and women. 
  • To answer questions after watching the video
  • To increase higher order thinking skills 
  • To promote appropriate behaviours using the wrong side
  • To entertain students with visuals and videos

Once the students have done the activity at home, we will have a debate about the ideas and thoughts that the students have considered during the videos. This debate will help teachers to set the conclusion and the main ideas about the project. 

These types of activities are really motivating and meaningful at the same time. We are making students bring some "homework" to home, but this type of homework is not seen as a compulsory activity, but as a fun and linking activity for the following lesson. What is more, students use ICTs that makes the task more engaging. 

Here you can see some of the pictures and tweets we took making the project. I hope you like it!

There are many reasons that we should apply flipped activities in our lessons; they are engaging, visual, motivating and they keep students hands on it. I hope you have enjoyed this journey as well as I have. 

See you!


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