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Resource bank for teaching CLIL in Mars

Hi Folks! 👋

Welcome to a new post about content curation materials. Do you know what it is?

Let me just introduce you an interesting tip that Marshis teachers do in this planet. In Mars, it is very popular to exchange ideas and teaching methodologies among colleagues. We believe in the idea that sharing is growing. In order to organise all the information and ideas found on the net we, 21st century teachers, use content curation tools. 

When we refer to content curation we talk about the act of selecting from large amounts of content on the net, and presenting such content in a meaningful, illustrated and organised way. 

Nowadays, there are endless resources for content curation that teachers can use so as to take the most of them inside and outside the classroom. Some of the following ones are just an example of the several opportunities to organise the ideas: 

All of them are very visual, which helps us to find each post quickly and easily. 
    The embedded Pinterest board below is just and example of my own content curation attribution on Pinterest. I have used this app due to its usefulness for recording great ideas in a visual way divided into boards of content. What is more, from a board about a general topic, such as Teaching ideas; you can add sub- boards dividing each topic into a detailed one. 

    Although you can see my progress here, I am still working on the different teaching- learning boards. 

    As a CLIL teacher in Mars, I really recommend using these kind of tools to facilitate the organisation of the classroom activities and to collect amazing ideas to be carried out in our schools. Believe me, it is incredibly genius!

    See you soon folks!


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