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Welcome buddies

Photograph by OpenClipart- Vectors

💃Hi folks!

Welcome to my classroom in Mars. I am a teacher here in this fantastic planet. My name is Martic and I am 126 years old. Here in Mars people can live up to 270 years old. Amazing, isn't it? Are you ready to know a bit more about us? Just keep reading...

I am an enthusiastic CLIL teacher. I love languages and being in touch with people from other planets such as The Earth or Saturn. I love dancing flamenco in my free time, I will show you sometime. 

I am interested in travelling as well. I have visited 5 planets in my life. But I hope to travel to many more places in this Milky Way. Now you know me a bit more, I will tell you more about how we live in Mars. 

Let me introduce you my classroom. The students in Mars speak both Spanish and Marsish therefore we believe in Bilingual Education. It is very important for us because they communicate with Spanish people everyday. 

Moreover, ICTs plays an essential role since the communication between planets and communities is held by Hight Technology. For example, the video about myself above has been created with voki.

Do you want to know more about VOKI? Well, this is a very useful tool which can be used to create avatars and funny characters. This website is available for apps too, which makes it very convenient. In other words, this resource is pretty good for educational purposes. The App and the website offer a wide spectrum of features to select and cartonise oneself such as hair, body shape, clothes or voice in order to individualise each caracter.

If you ask my opinion about this specific website I have to tell you that it is free, very easy to use and the instructions are clear. However, if you want to use further details to individualise the character you must pay, which is not educational at all. The more features you choose, the more expensive. From my point of view, voki company should offer free resources for teachers and students so as to create a FREE community.
Coming back to my introduction, the purpose of this blog is to create a share- platform where we help each other on the field of teaching. I am willing to exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings with you; yes, yes, YOU! 

See you soon!


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