Hi folks!
Welcome once again to my planet Marsh. We are all so excited about making new friends from all over the Milky Way. Our planet is immersed on a project about meeting people from other planets and we have been invited to participate in a share experience network. Would you like to know more about it? Let's keep reading!
And this awsome app is... chan chan chan... Flipgrid. This app is a social learning platform that allows teachers to interact and communicate with other teachers and students using videos. The proposal of the app is an open concept to find creative teaching ways to interact and share experiences with the students and other educational staff members.
I am going to tell you how I felt taking part in this project with other teachers. Well, I am participating in a share- project that is being carried out through Flipgrid. The project is called #twima8 (The world is my audience, 8 edition). This project was firstly launched by a teacher with the idea of sharing experiences that can help other people. Sharing is growing. How can you take part in the project? You can collaborate by sharing a video recorded with Flipgrid and then uploud it to the project #twima8.
If you ask my opinion about the functions and how easy it is to use this app, I would say it is quite easy to share your experices with this app. In general, it is not difficult if you are used to working with apps on your phone. Generally is quite intuitive. Moreover, you have as many chances as you need to record yourself; but I recommend you rehearsing before recording it.
I love being part in such a wonderful share experience with my classmates and other teachers around the world. It's impressive how quickly we can interact and connect with other teachers that are on the other side of the globe. From my experience, it has been a greatful and rewarding activity that I will use it in my future proffesional career with my future students. Its's motivational as you see others telling you their experiences as well as you do.
An interesting way to let the rest teachers know about this app is using other social networks such as twitter. I leave here my own twitter account so you can check how fun it's being participating on this project.
I am going to tell you how I felt taking part in this project with other teachers. Well, I am participating in a share- project that is being carried out through Flipgrid. The project is called #twima8 (The world is my audience, 8 edition). This project was firstly launched by a teacher with the idea of sharing experiences that can help other people. Sharing is growing. How can you take part in the project? You can collaborate by sharing a video recorded with Flipgrid and then uploud it to the project #twima8.
If you ask my opinion about the functions and how easy it is to use this app, I would say it is quite easy to share your experices with this app. In general, it is not difficult if you are used to working with apps on your phone. Generally is quite intuitive. Moreover, you have as many chances as you need to record yourself; but I recommend you rehearsing before recording it.
I love being part in such a wonderful share experience with my classmates and other teachers around the world. It's impressive how quickly we can interact and connect with other teachers that are on the other side of the globe. From my experience, it has been a greatful and rewarding activity that I will use it in my future proffesional career with my future students. Its's motivational as you see others telling you their experiences as well as you do.
An interesting way to let the rest teachers know about this app is using other social networks such as twitter. I leave here my own twitter account so you can check how fun it's being participating on this project.
— Patricia Navarro Correa (@martic_teacher) 27 de abril de 2018
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